Go to Shape Format | Shape Styles | Shape Gallery right-click on a style then choose Set as Default Shape. Shape GalleryĪny Shape Gallery option can become your new shape default. Once set, any new shape will start with your choices, not Microsoft’s.

There are two ways to change the shape defaults. Text Wrapping Square or Tight is easier to manage at first. Personally, we prefer no fill because the shape will be filled with text or other objects. There are several built in settings for wide. The video shows the different options located on the Margins menu. To work with margins youll need to click on the Page Layout tab to display the Page Layout ribbon. Her mantra: Narrower margin settings more text/page. The presenter indicates that if you click the small button above the vertical scroll bar, Microsoft Word will then display Rulers. 75 so that Word becomes a more environment-friendly software. campaign called Change the Margins that will urge Microsoft to reduce the default printing margins from 1 to. Manually we can change the default language by going to Word options> Language> Add additional editing language> Make it as default. That’s the Microsoft default which may not suit you. When you create a new document inside Microsoft Word 2007 using the default. Blue fill, 1pt black single line outline, no effects and Text Wrapping in front of text. When you Insert | Shape, something like this probably appears. All you have to do is click this button, and Word will assign your current settingslike the font or font size you've chosenas the new default for this particular element. Blue fill, 1pt black single line outline, no effects and Text Wrapping in front of. When you Insert Shape, something like this probably appears. Change the defaults to whatever you like for faster shape formatting in Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint or Outlook. Under Save Documents, click the Browse button next to the Default File Location text box. You’re not stuck with the Microsoft automatic settings when inserting a new shape. Change the defaults to whatever you like for faster shape formatting in Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint or Outlook. Next, look for a button near the bottom of the dialog box that says Set as Default. Follow these steps: Click the Office button. You’re not stuck with the Microsoft automatic settings when inserting a new shape.